Simona Clausnitzer
Simona is a research assistant for the California Heritage Climate Vulnerability Index project in collaboration with the CA State Historic Preservation Office. With this project, she works with Tribal councils, local governments, and community organizations to develop assessments that measure how cultural heritage is impacted by climate change. She earned her MAS degree from Scripps Oceanography’s Marine Biodiversity and Conservation program where she used the tools of phenomenology, discourse analysis, and the artform of printmaking to conceptualize two case studies of environmental justice: hurricane impacts in Puerto Rico, and the necessity of anti-racism within conservation. Previously, she worked seasonally as a field assistant for various ecology and geology research teams, for the National Park Service as an interpretive ranger, and on tall ships and catamarans as a marine naturalist and sailing educator.
En el Ojo del Huracán // In the Eye of the Storm: Conceptualizing Climate Justice through Printmaking
Curriculum Vitae
Graduate Research Symposium Presentation